be pro-safe

Defusing Confrontation


Self Defense




Self Defense

Most people have busy lives and limited time to devote to learning self-defense.  To accommodate those circumstances, education in self-defense must be concentrated, easily mastered, practical and memorable. That is the emphasis in our DVD, our book and our workshops.
We emphasize many specific early-on things you can do that could prevent a situation from getting to the point of physical.  If a situation does reach the point where physical resistance is necessary, we provide easy to remember tools that are practical even for people who may feel they have limited physical skills and abilities.


Scenarios in Self-Defense Paperback – (Most recent update 2018)
Self-Defense and Martial Arts experts Mary Brandl and Anita Bendickson present a comprehensive and systematic approach to feeling in control in a world that often seems frightening and chaotic. From early prevention to last-ditch physical resistance, Scenarios In Self-Defense gives you the tools you need to deal effectively with situations ranging from uncomfortable to life-threatening.  Their approach has stood the test of time, still very popular and used by many crime victim services.

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Scenarios in Self-Defense DVD
Three volume set

Volume One: “Your Early Options”
Volume Two: “When an Acquaintance Becomes an Assailant”
Volume Three “Practical Physical Resistance”

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Personal Safety/Self-Defense workshops:

The goal of these workshops is that all participants increase their self-defense options.  Mary’s article “Self-Defense:  Basic Concepts” highlights the major points covered in this type of workshop. Mary has worked with people from a wide range of social, economic, racial, and ethnic backgrounds, including individuals with various physical and/or mental limitations.  She tailors workshops to better accommodate differences in outlook, age, fitness, and abilities.

Defusing Confrontation workshops:

Mary has tailored and adapted workshops to address specific job duties and responsibilities.   Mary’s article “Tools to Cool Conflict and Confrontation” highlights the major points covered in this type of workshop. This type of workshop usually includes some elements of general personal safety as well.

Personal Safety/Self-Defense workshops Defusing Confrontation workshops More Information

Mary Brandl has been an educator and consultant in the areas of “Personal Safety” and “Self-Defense” since 1980.  She has worked with crime victim services on both a local and national level and is therefore aware of and sensitive to victim/survivor issues. Mary has a number of distinctions and honors in her field. She is also a 4th Degree Black Belt in Japanese Shotokan Karate under the American Amateur Karate Federation.

read more about mary
Mary Brandl
  • "I thought Mary was wonderful. She clearly knows what she is talking about and brought up some good points that other “self-defense” speakers have not. For example, she spent time talking about physical body mechanics involved in presenting oneself and being prepared to react to possible attacks." "Mary's emphasis on helping people discover their unique strengths was really helpful. It was not a one-size-fits-all template." "Mary's workshop was surprisingly awesome!"
  • "I really enjoyed Mary, she was very energetic, engaging, and funny! I really appreciated her insight into community safety, especially talking about different ways to we could stand and position ourselves in order to be more safe. She had a very engaging presentation and I appreciated her recommendations and suggestions for potentially deescalating a client/person in the community. I would definitely recommend this training."
  • "I learned about several vulnerable spots on the human body that are potential targets for someone who is aggressing you. I would recommend Mary’s training – she was a hoot. Very informative and very engaging."

Mary Brandl & BPS Communications, LLC
Minneapolis, MN

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